Useful Japanese At Hospital

2014.11.18 |  Life Style Info |  Hospitals | 


●We hope below Japanese expressions would help you when you need to urgently see a doctor without having Japanese friend’s support.

● 一般症状  ● Common Symptoms
胸がムカムカする I feel queasy. Mune ga muka-muka suru.
胸が苦しい I have chest pains. Mune ga kurushii.
頭痛がする I have a headache. Zutsu ga suru.
身体がだるい I feel listless. Karada ga darui.
熱がある I have a fever. Netsu ga aru.
きもちが悪い I don’t feel well. Kimochi ga warui.
腰がいたい My back hurts. Koshi ga itai.
食欲が無い I have no appetite. Shokuyoku ga nai.
貧血気味です I feel anemic. Hinketsu-gimi desu.
● 小児科系、産科・婦人科系  ● Pediatrics-Related and Obstetrics/Gynecology-Related
ひきつけを起こしている The child has convulsions. Hikitsuke wo okoshite iru.
むずかっている The child is whining. Muzukatte iru.
生理が不順です My menstrual period is irregular. Seiri ga fujun desu.
つわりがひどい I have severe morning sickness. Tsuwari ga hidoi.
● 歯科系  ● Dentistry-Related
歯ぐきから血が出る My gums are bleeding. Haguki kara chi ga deru.
歯が痛い My tooth hurts. Ha ga itai.
歯が浮いたような感じです My tooth feels loose. Ha ga uita yono kanji desu.
歯のつめ物がとれた My filling came off. Ha no tsume-mono ga toreta.
冷たい物がしみる My teeth hurt when I eat something cold. Tsumetai mono ga shimiru.
● 外科系  ● External Medicine-Related
捻挫した I have a sprain. Nenza shita.
突き指した I sprained my finger. Tsuki-yubi shita.
骨折した I have a broken bone. Kossetsu shita.
腫れがひかない I have a swelling that won’t go away. Hare ga hikanai.
● 呼吸器科系、耳鼻咽喉科系  ● Respiratory Organ-Related and Ear-Nose-and-Throat-Related
喉がいたい I have a sore throat. Nodo ga itai.
ぜんそくです I have asthma. Zensoku desu.
鼻血が止まらない My nosebleed won’t stop. Hanaji ga tomaranai.
耳がいたい I have an earache. Mimi ga itai.
耳鳴りがする My ears are ringing. Mimi-nari ga suru.