How to: Survive During Earthquake 

2020.10.23 |  Life Style Info |  How to? Guide | 

Japan has had a long history of earthquakes and seismic activity. However if you are prepared and understood the ways to protect yourself and family, most of bad events can be prevented.

First,prepare your emergency survival kit.

1. Flashlight

2. Batteries

3. Portable radio

4. Light matches

5. Candles

6. Nonperishable food

7. Thick cotton gloves

8. Water

9. First-ad kit

10. Nonprescription medicines

11. Coins for public phone

12. Whistle

Second, pay attention to safely measures for your home.

1. Do not leave objects near doors, hallways and staircases.

2. Do not put anything heavy or breakable on the top of small furniture.

3. Unplug electrical appliances after use.

4. Use kerosene/gas stoves and heaters with auto-shutdown function that reacts to falls.

5. Always keep enough space between a fire source, such as between cooking stove and wooden furniture.

Ok, when earthquake happen.

● If you are at home.

1. Open the door to secure a way out.

2. Turn off all heating and electrical sources if possible.

3. Protect yourself by sheltering under a table, if no place to hide, protect your head with a pillow or a cushion.

4. If you decide to evacuate, be on foot. Never use cars, motorcycles or bicycles.

If you are away from home.

Ground- Stay away from gates and concrete block walls.

Elevator- If the elevator is equipped with an earthquake sensor, it stops at the nearest floor. If not, you should push every floor button and get off at any floor and then use a staircase to evacuate.

Train- Without instructions, do not try to force the door to open from inside until the rescue service arrives.


●Disaster Emergency Dial●Disaster Emergency Message Dial(171)